Orders that are not satisfactory, or do not meet (reasonable) expectations, can always be fully or partly returned. These returns are subject to several simple rules, which correspond to EU guidelines for web stores:
- You are required to notify us of your intent to return one or more of your products under your right of revocation within 14 days of receiving your order (which is possible using a standard revocation form). You will be provided with confirmation message via email.
- The products should be returned to us within 14 days of completing and sending in the form. The costs of returning the goods are payable by the customer.
- After receiving the return shipment, we will assess the products for their ‘marketable condition’. If the returned products meet the requirements, you will be sent a credit invoice via email.
Our joint right and obligations as retailer and customer in terms of returns and revocations are explicitly stated in the General Terms and Conditions, under Articles 6 to 10.